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At this moment you are too young to attend the selected course! You must have reached the necessary age of 18 years before the start date of the course!
Your license does not allow the participation in the PADI Divemaster course!
At this moment you do not fullfill the minimum amount of 40 dives to attend the PADI Divemaster course. If you sign in here anyway you MUST have sufficiant experience BEFORE the start of the course!
PADI Divemaster course includes:
This service will be conducted by a third party. We will transmit your name and flight data to this company.
Finally I'd like to comment:
As you need to pay a pretty high deposit for this course and the crew pack, we have to charge the credit card cost. Therfore we highly recommend to select the method "Bank Transfer" to pay without extra charges.
We use 3D-Secure authentication procedure, which is obligatory in the EU.Your card has to be authorized by your bank for this safety procedure to be able to pay online.You will receive a security query on your phone from your bank - the booking process is only complete after this additional authentication.
Los Realejos - Tenerife - Spain
Banco Santander Puerto de la Cruz - Tenerife IBAN: ES28 0049 0290 3424 1353 5089 BIC: BSCHESMM
Reference: Your program offer + your name
Thank you for your online reservation!
We will answer asap. by mail.
Sunny greetings
Your Atlantik dive team